Making an Offer

To make an offer, simply email!

You may make a custom offer on any of the beats listed in the marketplace. When you make a custom offer, you are essentially creating your own licensing terms and setting your own price, I may accept the offer as it stands, or I may modify the terms or pricing and send it back to you for review. You complete the deal by making payment on an accepted offer, at which point I issue a license and deliver the product the same way as I would if you had purchased a "pre-approved" license.

Offer Components:

When making an offer, you'll need to pay attention to a few details to make sure your offer is complete.

Requested Downloads:

The requested downloads portion of the offer is where you list the file format which you would like to receive all of the available production files in inventory for the beat you are making an offer on.

Offer Amount:

I will have an opportunity to change this amount before accepting any offer.

Licensing Terms:

The licensing terms portion of the offer, including mechanical licensing, synchronization, and performance rights should all be chosen carefully in order to cover your intended use of the music. You should also remember that the general rule of thumb in the music business is the greater your ability (the rights you request) to exploit your finished product for a profit, the greater the compensation (offer amount) should be to me.

The Negotiation Process:

Once you have submitted an offer to me, I will review the terms and either accept the offer or modify it with new terms. This part of the process is called the "negotiation". During negotiation, you and I may modify the terms of the offer as many times as needed in order to reach an acceptable agreement. During the negotiation process, we may communicate back and forth by emailing comments about the offer.

Making The Purchase:

When I accept the offer, you will receive an email as a notification that the offer needs your attention. You will have up to 5 days to complete the purchase of an accepted offer before the offer expires.